The Delia Project (#11): Red Cabbage and Coriander Salad

Red Cabbage and Coriander Salad

Thankfully around this time of year there is a ton of cabbage. We order our veggies each week from a local farm and in the winter the choice pretty much revolves around cabbages, turnips, potatoes, onions and other root vegetables.

This salad was so good (and there was so much of it) that I ate it for 3 days in a row. It’s that good!

The Delia Project (#10): Crème brûlée

Crème brûlée

In this Crème brûlée recipe, the caramel is made separately and then poured over. I actually had to make the caramel twice, because the first time I used golden caster sugar and it just wouldn’t melt properly; it was about 5mm thick. The second time I used fine white sugar. I think my preference next time would be to caramelise the sugar with a blowtorch, but this is a good option for those people who don’t have one.

The Delia Project (#6 and #7): Flaky Fish Pie and Quick Flaky Pastry


This pie was a real winner with the whole family! I didn’t expect it to be; I imagined both munchkins picking out the ‘green bits’, namely the gherkins and capers. So Munchkin #2 did pick out the gherkins, but he also asked if I could make this again and gave it a thumbs up 🙂

The pastry, whilst tasty, wasn’t an overall success. I think I rolled it out too thick, as it wasn’t cooked all the way through and was a bit stodgy.

** Update: The Fish Pie was so good that I made it a second time, rolled the pastry out nice and thin – amazing!

The Delia Project (#3 and #4): Simple Stroganoff with Green Winter Salad

Simple Stroganoff with Green Winter Salad

This is exactly the sort of meal one needs in the middle of winter. Though Munchkin #2 complained about the presence of mushrooms, it seemed to go down well with everyone else. The salad dressing was a little garlicky, but that may be due to our potent garlic we have over here. I would probably use one clove instead of two next time.

Also an hour later, my body was telling me that sour cream is not its friend. So maybe next time I would substitute coconut milk.